Building Your Personal Brand

The demand for leaving your internet footprint is increased drastically from the past decade. Bringing forward your personal brand is so much necessary in today’s all-online-era. To get noticed to the world wide web has been topped the list in the 4th industrial revolution.

So, in this article, I have tried to give out a few steps one can follow to build their own personal, and this is the step I’m also following.

Few examples of professional people who in today’s world has been successfully able to build their personal brands:

1. Michelle Obama

She is most known as the wife of the former president of the USA however, she was an accomplished and respected lawyer prior to that. She has always been driven and ambitious. She is smart, confident, articulate, and fearless. She has always supported diversity. She is committed to social issues. She is very determined to make a difference to other people, by using her power to influence positive outcomes. She is very passionate about what she believes in and inspires others through her warmth, humility, humor, and authentic behavior. She is decisive, determined, and fearless in the pursuit of what matters to her. She focuses on the positive opportunities, whilst still acknowledging the difficulties. She is very personable. She acts with integrity.

To find out more about Michelle Obama’s personal brand, have a read of this article:

2. Sundar Pichai

He is the CEO of Google. Pichai is an image of a passionate nerd without any of the sociopathic stand that most executives in Silicon Valley are representing. Shy since childhood and quietly spoken. Pichai’s career meteoric rise to the top thanks to his skills and knowledge. As many companies change throughout their lives, so did Pichai when he became one of the most eligible executives by being pronounced the CEO of Google. He is a character with a low profile. He’s able to keep this attitude even with his numerous achievements.  Pichai is known for his soft-spoken, personalized, and diplomatic nature. His way to simplicity is reflected throughout his work. As a thinker, it’s not unusual for him to leave a meeting to wander away for a while, and later to return with a solution he thinks best to solve whatever the problem was. He is a successful leader who plans for the future. He creates a perfect balance of optimism and pessimism whilst remaining down to earth.

3. Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres: The Personal Branding Model of the Century.

She is one of the most popular daytime TV show personalities. She started her journey off doing stand-up comedy in lesser-known clubs, and today, her personal brand is one of the most recognized. She’s smart, confident, articulate, and fearless. She always highlighted her individuality. Her ability to showcase and be proud of who she was and leverage this has earned her popularity among the LGBT community and the heterosexual audience as well. She’s very determined to make a difference to other people, by using her power to influence positive outcomes. In search of what matters to her, she is firm, determined, and fearless. She focuses on the good opportunities, while also remembering the difficulties she has faced. She’s behaving with dignity.

Now for your first task, choose your personal or public domain person who you consider to be your personal motivator for the same. And write about them. (Minimum 3 Personalities)

Some questions to consider when reflecting on your own answers:

• Are there consistent attributes that each person demonstrates that you are drawn to?
• Do these attributes reflect who you are or who you would like to be? Would they be a stretch for you to demonstrate or are they similar to your attributes? What does this tell you?
• Are all of these people in the public eye? If so, why did you find it difficult to identify people you know?
• How much attention are you paying to the positive professional attributes of those around you?
• What could you learn from being more observant and aware?
• Are the personal brand attributes you identified for yourself, realistic, or are they the ones that you thought you should include?
• Have you created SMART goals to achieve your actions? How committed are you to truly living your personal brand?

  • Now from your mentioned list of characteristics you admire, identify personal brand attributes that you yourself want to implement.
  • Identify what actions you need to take to live your brand attributes from the list you created.

Here are few suggested actions to build and live your personal brand:

  • Set SMART goals and commit to it
  • Say yes to opportunities where I can demonstrate my brand in action
  • Network to increase my visibility and build my personal brand
  • Share my voice with influencers
  • Ensuring my look and style (both in person and in print) reflects my personal brand
  • Also, ensure my online presence reflects it. Update my style, images in:
    • LinkedIn profile
    • Resume
    • Social media
    • Blogs etc.

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