Dream from far far away.

“But every human brain is born not as a blank tablet, waiting to be filled in by experience but, as an exposed negative waiting to be shipped into developer fluid!”

I would like to tell all of you about some of the glimpses of my own creations which in layman’s words is known as dream.

The most important thing in my life is to never stop dreaming. This virtuality can disguise ourselves into one thing we can’t have or are not meant to have. Everyday, every-week and year may change but God! I don’t wish upon my enemies even that I get insomnia, why you may ask? The answer is simple, I won’t be dreaming anymore than. In this world the only thing which I have some power over it are my dreams. They were with me from the very beginning, from the first breath that I took and will be there hopefully till my last one. Only this doubt of mine for the future is as clear as water and all others are a mystery to me.

But there is a chance of not being able to see another dream a day after today if we go permanently in dreamless sleep.







D-R-E-A-M-S as it spelled simply.

I thought of nothings most of time and things that doesn’t much matter to be a bother to anyone else. You’ll get to know someone not by just the shell they seem to lighten in your presence but by cracking it open, the real skin can be seen to the entire world.

The storytelling is a part of my life which couldn’t be changed or replace by anyone of this ship name life.

Fantasies are lifeline of every child. I also wanted to live a fairytale. But see that’s just a dream as I have said earlier. I’m curious about everything, little things intrigues me to no end which I might be exaggerating but you know about it as much as you try to pretend it. Also no one’s losing their money in exaggerating.

In a way a book is a great evil. Why ? Because it’s just hold your heart from every page of the book and tear it till the last page and make you feel what they wanna say. That’s not the only thing but it burned it till it melts. The writer’s mind is it’s own battlefield and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

But every human brain is born not as a blank tablet, waiting to be filled in by experience but, as an exposed negative waiting to be shipped into developer fluid.

This encrypt is just my imagination formed in few lines to tell my views on dreams a little differently.


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